Friday, February 5, 2010

If Something is really hot it will glow? True or false?

It can be true, however depending upon the amount of energy in the substance and what the substance is, it may be extremely hot without any visible signs.If Something is really hot it will glow? True or false?
trueIf Something is really hot it will glow? True or false?
It is always true. First it glows in IR, then as it gets hotter, it glows in visible light range even though you may not see it.
not always
Not always true, as with gravastars (formerly termed black holes), which can be exceedingly hot, yet not radiate at all in the visual end of the electromagnetic spectrum, because it has all been markedly redshifted due to gravitational Dopplering, as it loses energy in escaping from the deep gravity well of such a massive body.
Normally it will. Though just because something isn't glowing doesn't mean it's hot--lava for instance, after it's cooled enough to form a hard crust, stops glowing but is still extremely hot.

It generally depends on what the material is that's being heated.

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